Deel Worldwide

Company blurb

An all-in-one HR platform for global teams

Founded in 2019, Deel is a cloud-based payroll and compliance software that helps companies simplify every aspect of managing an international workforce, from culture and onboarding, to local payroll and compliance.

Company size

2,600 [^1]

[^1]: Source:

Remote status

"Whether you want to work at home with your family or travel the world and work along the way, we’re here to support your choices. Our team is in 88 countries and counting." [^2]

[^2]: Source:



Company technologies

Typescript, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize (ORM), AWS SE/EKS/SNS/SQS, Docker, Kubernetes

Office locations

Argentina | Australia | Austria | Baltics | Belarus | Belgium | Brazil | China | Denmark | Estonia | France | Germany | Hong Kong | India | Israel | Italy | Jordan | Latvia | Lithuania | Malaysia | Moldova | Netherlands | Poland | Portugal | Serbia | Singapore | South Korea | Spain | Switzerland | UK | USA

How to apply

Visit to see open positions.