Company blurb
We've been around for 6 years, supporting almost every kind of organization that needs to bill people over and over: online software businesses, churches, schools, storage unit owners, shippers of recurring packages, and many others. And over that time, with that variety of merchants using Chargify, we've developed our software to support just about every common business model and pricing model. Chargify is a recurring billing system designed for Web 2.0 and SaaS companies. Chargify frees you from worrying about billing so you can focus on building innovative web applications.
Company size
24 employees listed on the About Us page.
Remote status
[Development team is 100% remote. Remote positions for applicants based in the US. You are free to work anywhere.
You're expected to maintain a regular day-to-day schedule and be in the 'office' & responsive during your chosen worktime. That said, we offer lots of flexibility for adjusting your schedule based on personal/family needs. Some travel is required (typically 2 or 3 week-long trips a year).]( )
Worldwide - Mainly US based employees but with one in Brazil and another in Australia. A map shows employee rough locations on the About Us
Company technologies
RoR, AWS, Docker
Office locations
Head office is located in Needham, MA
How to apply
Chargify openings are listed on the jobs page.